How CA Assignments are Handled:
- Early registration is the BEST way to get your assignment of choice!!
- Graduating High School Seniors are given priority placement, as long as their application is received before March 31, 2025.
- CA’s who have an adult volunteering with them at camp are placed next. The adult volunteer MUST be 18 and graduated in 2024 or prior. It can be a parent, friend, relative, etc… The CA MUST enter the adult’s name during registration, and the Adult MUST be registered as a Staff Volunteer at Camp by March 31st.
- The adult is also required to register with council as a Girl Scout Volunteer and add the Day Camp Role to their profile which will prompt a background check. This must also be done by March 31st if the adult is not already a registered/approved GS volunteer.
- Applications are divided into “want to work in a girl unit” and “want to work in a camptivity” groups. It is VERY important for CA’s to make this distinction clear during registration!!
- Assignments are made in the order that they are received…with the first applications most likely to get first choice, etc.
- We attempt to pair a “more experienced” (10th – 12th grade) Camp Aide with a “less experienced” (8th – 9th grade) Camp Aide in each camper unit.
- In Camptivities, our goal is to maintain a balance of ages, as well as to maintain about 50% continuity from last year. With 50% being NEW to the Camptivity.
- CA’s registering after March 31st will not receive any priority placement even if they are a graduating senior or bringing an adult volunteer. Contact the CA Coordinators if you have questions about this.