Carpool & Drop-off

 Please see the map below for the Carpool. Note this is an updated carpool procedure from last year!!! 

Our Carpool Staff thanks you for your patience and readiness to drop off and pick up your campers. Please for everyone’s safety, stay off of your cell phone!


*You must follow the carpool route on the map.
*Your camper will be helped out of the car during “drop off” and brought to your car during “pick up” at the carpool area. Do not let your camper out of the car until one of us opens the door! If you have an automatic door, please TAPE A SIGN ON THE WINDOW to let us know.
*To avoid traffic congestion with others trying to get into the carpool lane, you will need to drive straight onto Lula Street when leaving the parking lot. Then at the 3-Way Stop you will either go straight on Lula to Main Street or turn right onto Poplar to Killian Hill. For the safety of our carpool staff, do not turn left at the 3-Way Stop.

Your camper’s LDC Carpool Tag needs to be displayed on the passenger’s window during afternoon carpool. Photo ID is required for anyone picking up a camper without the LDC Carpool Tag, and the person’s name must be on the list of people allowed to pickup your camper (provided during registration)! If the pickup person will vary by the day, then each person/car needs a copy of the LDC Carpool Tag to avoid delays.

During registration, please list the names of ALL adults who may need to pickup your camper during afternoon carpool. If you need to add someone to the list, then you can email the Camp Director at but please try to limit changes.

*SMILE! We’ve all had a long, hot day! Our Staff needs your cooperation to move everyone out quickly and safely. Tell your camper her Carpool number, ask her to listen for her number to be called, then to follow instructions. Drivers, please follow our directions also! The Lilburn City Police have been very helpful over the years, and we do our best to avoid making undo traffic problems. Please be flexible!


  1. From Main Street, turn onto 1st Avenue, turn right onto Lula Street, turn right onto Railroad Ave, and turn left to enter the parking lot. Follow directional signs thru the parking lot, and let your campers out near the restrooms where you see the carpool flags.
  2. Pull up to an LDC Staff Member who will open the door for your camper(s).
  3. When you exit the parking lot you will go straight onto Lula Street.
  4. Do NOT block any intersections while in line for carpool!!
  5. Please give these instructions to anyone who will be driving your camper to or from camp.
  6. Every camper needs to be buckled in a seat belt or car seat before you leave the parking lot.
  7. Please, for the safety of everyone, do not talk on your cell phone once the carpool line gets moving!!!