Training & Expectations

Training Dates

  • CA Parent Meeting & CA Meet and Greet via Zoom Date TBD. The first 15 minutes will be a parent meeting to go over important information you need to know about camp! The rest of the meeting will be us hanging out and getting to know each other.
    • RSVP at the following link: 
    • Join Zoom Meeting    
    • Meeting ID:
    • Passcode:
    • MANDATORY “Onsite” Day Saturday May 10th 10am-2pm *REQUIRED* – This is when you meet your leader(s) and plan activities for the week of camp.
      • Secret CA Assignments will be given out at Onsite.
      • While the training dates are required we understand that it is a very busy time of year for school, sports, and life! CA’s should email the CA Coordinators as soon as they are aware of a conflict preventing them from attending training! Failure to do so could result in the CA not receiving their placement of choice.
      • If you cannot attend Onsite, then you also need to notify your unit leaders as soon as CA Assignments are released!


  • LDC BOOTH AT CAMP GWINNETT – April 27, 2025 9am-4:30pm.  Possible overnight on Saturday if there is enough interest.

Expectations During Camp

  • CA’s arrive at 8:00am each day and leave at 4pm after our daily CA Wrap Up.
    • You need to sign in at the CA Table under the pavilion first, then begin helping setup camp. At the end of the day you will sign out before leaving.
      • On the first day of camp you will pickup your navy visor, name tag, SWAP, and pen when you sign in. Camp shirts will be given to you with your unit when the Photographers take your unit photo.
      • Each day there will be a new SWAP for you at the sign in table. Also be sure to watch for notices posted with updates or last minute information at the CA Table. This information will also be emailed to you daily as needed, so be sure to check your emails during camp.
  • Upon arriving at camp CA’s are expected to pitch in to help Leaders/Staff to unload cars, carry materials, setup canopies, setup units, and help with carpool.
    • CA’s should NOT be sitting anywhere waiting for campers to arrive….everyone is working!
    • Show your excitement for camp by jumping in to help wherever it is needed!
  • Cell phones are prohibited except in the CA tent, which is where CA’s go to enjoy a little downtime each day.  This is also the only place where you do not need to be actively engaged with girls.  When you are in the CA tent you are “off duty”.
    • Make sure you coordinate with your unit leaders for a 15 minute break in the CA Tent each day!
  • CA’s need to bring a water bottle and lunch each day except for Thursday which is when we provide lunch for all CA’s!!
  • CA’s MUST sign out before leaving camp each day. This includes if you need to leave early for any reason!
  • CA’s must notify the CA Directors if you cannot work the full week of camp so we can make sure your unit is covered! You also need to inform your unit leaders.

CA Drop Off and Pick Up

  • CA drop off will be done in the parking lot off Main Street (near woodworking’s stage).
    • Leaders park in the lot near the bathrooms so to avoid congestion we need CA’s to be dropped off in the other lot.
    • Camper Carpool will be in the new parking lot which is another reason CA drop off is in the other lot.
  • CA’s CANNOT be dropped off during the morning carpool or picked up during the afternoon carpool even if they have younger siblings at camp.  They have work to do before campers arrive and after they depart.
  • CA Pick Up can be done in the parking lot near the bathrooms since carpool will be complete.
  • CA’s with younger siblings attending camp without an adult volunteering as Staff:
    • We ask that CA’s be dropped off alone at 8am then parents drop off the campers during regular carpool.
    • If that is not possible due to work schedules, then we can make exceptions. CA’s need to indicate this during registration so we know how many siblings to expect. Read everything below before deciding this is the option you want to choose.
      • MORNING DROP OFF – If a sibling needs to be dropped off with the CA, then they will ALL check in at the CA Table under the pavilion. The CA will then report to her unit to help setup camp. The siblings will sit under the pavilion until car pool begins.
        • The CA will NOT be responsible for her siblings nor be able to stay with them.
        • Parents need to send a book or other quiet activity for the siblings to do while waiting. The girls will be sitting under the pavilion and may or may not have an adult monitoring them at all times. Adults will be under the pavilion, but everyone is working to get camp setup. We do not have extra staff to sit with siblings in the morning which is is why we prefer siblings be dropped off during regular car pool.
      • AFTERNOON PICK UP – Siblings can stay until 4pm to be picked up with the CA in the afternoon. They will be part of what we call “Staff Kids” and will do activities until carpool is over. They will come under the pavilion during our CA Wrap Up then leave with the CA.
        • During registration, you MUST indicate the camper is the sibling of a CA who needs to participate in Staff Kids for carpool.
        • A parent must walk to the large pavilion to pick up the CA and her sibling at 4pm.
  • If a CA has an afternoon appointment or must leave camp early, then he/she MUST communicate this to the CA Coordinators IN ADVANCE to arrange for another CA to help in their unit.
    • CA’s cannot just leave camp without covering their assignment and signing out. It’s best if you can avoid making appointments during the week of camp. Any CA’s who leave camp without notifying the CA Coordinators may not be allowed to return the following year.
    • CA’s must sign out at the CA Table when leaving early for an appointment.